sábado, 19 de setembro de 2009

I Got A Felling (19/09/2009)

I got a feeling I don’t belong in this world,
Can’t be myself in it.

I got a feeling,
I'm a bit better than this.
I just can't plant a mask like everyone else does.

I can't pretend I am what I'm not
I can't pretend I am someone always kind,
Always care,
Just like you.

I'm dirty,
I'm ugly,
I'm fat,
I'm arrogant,
I'm rude.
I'm what I am.

I got a feeling,
That I just can't live here,
Among all those people,

This world is a Masquerade Party.
I got to be strong.

I will not just pretend, because I
Simply can't.

And how can you?
How can you?

I watch them all day,
And every time I do
I feel a little more out from this world.

There are some heroes I must say.
In this poor world,
There are special ones.

But I got a feeling I must go,
Cause this world is not for me.

I just can't handle this anymore,
I'm singing my last hopes,
I'm singing my heart for you,
Cause I'm breaking up inside.

When will I find the glue?
The truth hope for me.

I can finally fit in,
With all those people who I don’t recognize.

They can't find the words to say,
What is, truth?
What is, trust?
What is, real?!

I'm losing myself with them,
Sometimes even I can't find those words.
The meanings I’m forgetting,
The feelings I’m regretting.

I got a feeling I,
Don't belong here!

1 comentário:

  1. You got a feeling,
    That is a feeling you’re always trying to hide,
    Just because you suffered to much in this world,
    Don’t think your heart already died,

    And when you think you can’t put the happy mask,
    It’s because you have the sad one already placed,
    So that’s why i want to remove it so badly,
    I just want to think you’re not a waste,

    And if you think I’m perfect,
    Look at me right now,
    Maybe I’m not a perfect person you wanted me to be,
    But I think you can forgive me somehow,

    If you are all that things you keep saying,
    Well then tell me that i’m a guy with a tremendous bad taste,
    But since I think you’re lying,
    Give me all that imperfection to my embrace,

    So just stop to say all that bullshit,
    Take my hand and forget it all,
    Because I can show you the path,
    But to cross it I’ts juts your call,

    Then think what I said wisely,
    ‘Cause I’m not going nowhere since you do,
    Do you want to know what’s real?
    It’s me loving you…
